Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blake Prize Entrants

Those are them, yup, the controversial Blake Prize entrants. The holy Virgin Mary, our queen, portrayed in a burqa. As well as, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, portrayed as Osama Bin Laden.

They say that the Virgin Mary in a burqa should not be offensive because it shows a key figure in Islam in a modest garment common among the Islamic nations. I don't buy this, as the Burqa was not invented until some time after the first century. The Qu'ran itself does not mention the Burqa; it simply says that women and men must dress modestly. I believe the Virgin Mary was already dressed modestly. The artist obviously did this to get a rise of the Catholics. Unfortunately for him/her, I truly have little problem with this.

Islam holds the Virgin Mary in very high regards. The 19Th Sura of the Qu'ran is named after her; the only women in the Qu'ran bestowed this honor. They do not believe that the Virgin Mary or Jesus were Divine. If the Islamic communities, or the Islamic creator of that artwork, wants to picture her in a burqa I am fine with that. It makes no attacks on her person. It is the "artwork" of Osama Bin Laden and Jesus that I have a problem with.

This is a grave insult to me. To even compare the divine (yes, divine) Jesus Christ to an extremist murderer is beyond me. They have no similarities. In fact, Osama is everything Jesus is not. The artist must have realized he/she would insult many Christians with his/her artwork, actually, probably did in spite of Christians. Muslims were screaming "death!" to the artist of the Muhammad cartoon. The hypocrites are taken over the world.

Osama Bin Laden is responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocents all over the world, as well as, soldiers. As a soldier I wish for the chance to face him and do my duty to the US and the world. As a catholic I will pray that he will cease his actions and come to the true faith.

Comparing Osama Bin Laden to Jesus is completely out of line. Muslims definitely would not stand for it if we were to compare Muhammad to a negative character. I would never do this out of respect to anthers faith. Attacking faiths leads to nothing but sadness and bloodshed. I will take the higher road on this. As a catholic I will cast aside this insult and turn my back on it.I can only express my happiness in the fact that neither of those two took the prize.

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